Widji Community Council
Widjiwagan’s Community Council Directors are committed individuals with a passion for Widjiwagan’s mission and programming. We are committed to being a strong and inviting community that helps advise, advocate, and support Widjiwagan’s strategic direction and mission delivery.
Recruitment for council directors is an ongoing process. We are looking to connect with individuals who have the following areas of expertise and experiences:
- Access to the outdoors
- Mental health
- Social media/marketing and technology
- Graphic design
- Risk management
- Multicultural youth development, leadership, and education
- Fundraising and alumni development
- Natural resource management / environmental conservation
Widjiwagan Community Council Member Job Description
Widjiwagan’s Executive Director and Executive Committee work to help recruit and onboard new Council Directors. Director terms often begin in the spring and individuals serve a three-year term, with the option of a second term.
Widjiwagan’s Committees and Task Forces
Widjiwagan’s Community Council is supported and informed by a number of committees and task forces. We welcome participation in our committees and task forces from board members as well as staff, campers, and community members. Serving on a committee is a great volunteer opportunity and allows individuals to become more familiar with Widjiwagan, before joining the Council.
- Alumni & Community Relations
- Buildings & Property
- Canoe Fleet Management
- Camper Services
- Executive Committee
- Financial Development
- Program
- Risk Management
- Social Responsibility
For individuals interested in learning more about Widjiwagan’s Community Council please email info@widji.org