

This chapter of my life began six years ago. As a pack a day smoker, I was breathing heavily just walking up the stairs. I felt as if I dropped and sagged everywhere and had basically let myself go.

My body needed some serious maintenance and I finally thought, “That’s it, I need to do something!” I made a conscious decision to commit to improving my health, which included quitting smoking and starting to exercise (not necessarily in that order).

I set a date to quit smoking. February 1, 2006. I decided to join the Y because most of my family members already belonged. I was still smoking when I joined the Y, so cardio was out of the question.

Working out on the machines was a chore…zzzzzzz. My sister introduced me to Body Pump and exercising actually became fun. I really wanted to take the next step and enter a more intensive cardio arena. I’d gained over 20 pounds after I quit smoking and I needed something new.

I had walked by Jennie’s TurboKick classes MANY times, but was very intimidated. I decided it was now or never. In my first few classes I anxiously tried to keep up - my brain and body weren’t on the same page. 

But I admit I was hooked in no time. People are drawn to the positive energy in the class (or maybe it’s Jennie coaxing us…”You’re tired; I DON’T CARE”). Gotta love it! Jennie’s classes are very fun, upbeat, and challenging in a good way. She makes workouts fun!

I feel as if I’ve awakened from a long slumber. I’ve shaken off the cobwebs of a sedentary lifestyle and have a new lease on life. I may not have lost the whole 20 pounds I gained six years ago, but more importantly, I’m healthier!

Thanks to Fitness Instructor Jennie Berglund for sharing this story!