Like most nonprofits, the YMCA depends on the generosity of people like you to help impact the communities we serve.


Your donation stays in your community and ensures thousands of children and families in the Twin Cities can pursue health and well-being at the Y.

It may seem obvious, but even a small donation of your time or money to a nonprofit makes a big difference. But most people don't realize that there are several additional consequences of charitable giving. Consider these when planning your next donation:

Your giving sets an example

Donating to nonprofits sets a great example for children (whether you have your own or not) and instills in them a strong desire to share. Your simple act of giving shows them that you care deeply about improving the lives of others and that you are socially responsible.

If you have children, teach them about the diverse needs in your community by involving them as you research local nonprofits. Your example establishes charitable giving as a value, sending a strong message that helping others is the right thing to do.

Get ready to feel happy and grateful

Whether it’s your time or your money, giving is rewarding. It feels great to help support a youth athletic program or a blood drive because you know that you’re helping others less fortunate – or even saving a life. Studies suggest that people who give charitable donations get a boost in happiness.

Many people who donate to charities also say it makes them feel grateful for the good fortune in their life – a job, home, family or their health.

You’ll never lack friends

Donating your time or expertise to a worthy cause can expand your circle of friends and professional network.

Most nonprofits depend on an army of volunteers. These people combine their varied skills and unique experiences to achieve great things on behalf of their communities. Whether you volunteer once a week to serve meals or give a few hours each week to coach youth basketball, you’ll meet many like-minded people who will likely turn into good friends or professional associates in the future.