Largest-ever one-time grant kicks off an exciting IT improvement policy

The YMCA of the North received a $5,715,014 grant from Microsoft YouthSpark, an initiative to help youth around the world. This generous grant—the largest one-time grant in the history of YMCA—provides software and licenses, which will help the Y update its entire technology infrastructure between 2014 and 2016.

The game-changing tools provided in the Microsoft YouthSpark grant will:

  • Give the YMCA the infrastructure needed to maintain and enhance the services it provides to youth, families and communities
  • Revolutionize the way the Y communicates and collaborates with our team, board, volunteers, donors and funders, community and corporate partners, local and state government agencies, and the people we serve
  • Decrease IT downtime, increase efficiency, and enhance service delivery
  • Advance the mission of the YMCA—helping it create an even greater impact in the community

Through the YouthSpark program, Microsoft provides cash grants, software and services to organizations – like the Y – whose missions and activities support youth development. In just two years, Microsoft YouthSpark has created new opportunities for more than 227 million young people in more than 100 countries around the world through 30+ programs and partnerships with more than 350 youth-serving nonprofits.