2025 Session Schedules
Session 1: January 13 - March 9
Leagues: Basketball and Volleyball
Registration opens December 17
Session 2: March 31 - June 1
Leagues: Volleyball and Flag Football
Registration opens March 18
Session 3: June 16 - August 10
Leagues: Soccer
Registration opens April 15
Session 4: September 1 - October 26
Leagues: Flag Football and Soccer
Registration opens July 15
Winter Session: November 10 - February 22
Leagues: Basketball, Volleyball and Futsal
Registration opens October 7
*session dates, leagues and registration openings subject to change.
Once you register your child for a sport, all communications from the Y take place over email and on Playerspace.
Class/Game Cancellation Policy
One class or game canceled due to inclement weather conditions will not have a make-up date. If more than one class or game is canceled due to weather or other unforeseeable challenges we will issue Y BUCKS that may be used for a future class or program.
We believe everyone should have equal access to Y programs and facilities regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, ability and financial status.
Y programs accommodate special needs into existing programs to the extent that financial and physical resources permit. Please contact us if your child has any special needs or requires any accommodations.
Volunteer coaches and assistants
Serving as a youth coach is one of the greatest investments of time and energy anyone can make. Coaches become some of the most influential voices in a child’s life, and you can help us fill each season with lessons that last a lifetime.
Y volunteer coaches must:
- Be 18 or older
- Apply online
- Complete a background check
- Complete Y training
- Commit 2 hours per week for leagues and 1 hour for classes
We also need assistants during classes to help run small groups of kids through preplanned drills and organize teams during scrimmages.
Y volunteer assistants must:
- Be 14 or older
- Apply online
- Complete a background check
- Commit 1 hour per week
All coaches and assistants must attend the Coaches Meeting.