Feeling good and shedding pounds in six months

Dick is a 65-year-old member of the St. Paul Midway YMCA and this is his story of working with a Personal Trainer to develop a practice of self-care.

After a growing list of excuses to not follow a healthy exercise routine, Dick found himself overweight, weak, achy, and had low energy. Defeated by his own efforts, six months ago, he contacted Cathy Quinlivan at the Y to ask about Personal Training.

They agreed to work together and Cathy guided Dick in staying focused—and not giving up. As a result of their work together, Dick is at a healthy weight, has been injury-free for five months and can do pushups, pull-ups and lift weights—none of which he could do before working with Cathy.

Of working with Dick, Cathy says, “Dick is so much fun to work with! He peppers his workouts with humor and just a touch of sarcasm. He can also be very serious, especially when he is looking to better his performance compared to the previous session. You can always count on him to add one more repetition to a bench press or pull-up and exceed expectations. His drive and determination has been the main reason why his health has improved so much in the past year.”

Although it was hard to re-start a physical routine and maintain a routine to properly take care of himself, Dick believes that seeking professional expertise in his physical journey has put him back on track. He’s feeling good about his body and strives to be an example of a balanced life, well lived.

In addition to the physical benefits he has realized, Dick has made a new friend in Cathy, enjoys his workouts—with and without Cathy and has been introduced to the wonderful community at the Midway Y. He says, “Cathy has helped me realize how important a dedicated, unselfish approach to the Y’s mission of building a healthy community, one person at a time, can help us all.”

Learn more about Personal Training at the Y, and contact a Personal Trainer to get started today!