Try something new and meet new people with this free membership benefit

With over 60 types of classes to choose from, you’ll find a Group Exercise class that’s right for you at the Y. If you’re not sure where to start, you can drop in to check out a class at any time—there’s no pre-registration required, and all fitness levels are welcome.

Our most popular Group Exercise classes include:

  • BodyPump™—this barbell-based workout challenges all major muscle groups as we do exercises like squats, presses, lifts and curls. Each participant chooses the appropriate weight to use during the workout.
  • Boot Camp—class is customized to the needs of the participants and style of instructor. Common components include sport drills, weights, jumping rope, boxing, circuits and interval training. We’ll work out in the gym, studio and outdoors when weather permits.
  • Group Cycle—class begins with a warm-up and then cycles through sprints, climbs and upbeat cadences on the stationary bike, before we end with a cool down. While we’re on the bike, we’ll use a variety of positions, including seated, standing and leaning over the handles.
  • R.I.P.P.E.D.each component of this workout provides a unique emphasis or system response so your body never gets accustomed to the constantly changing format. We’ll work to achieve results in minimal time and burn lots of calories in just 50 minutes.
  • Gentle Yoga and SilverSneakers® Yoga—these relaxed versions of yoga emphasize mental relaxation through a series of breathing instructions, stretches and poses. In the SilverSneakers class for active older adults, chair support is offered to safely perform moves designed to increase flexibility, balance and range of movement.
  • Zumba™—this class fuses Latin and international music with dance for a dynamic, exciting and effective cardio workout. Routines feature interval aerobic training set to fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt as we dance. 

Search the schedule for free Group Exercise classes at your YMCA.