The YMCA offers American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) CPR and first aid trainings, plus American Red Cross (ARC) lifeguard trainings. Combination certifications and training classes are offered in two formats:

  • Traditional classroom
  • Blended—lessons are completed online and skills are practiced in class

ARC Lifeguard Training & Emergency Oxygen Administration – Full course

This course combines American Red Cross Lifeguarding and Emergency Oxygen Administration.

The lifeguarding content will provide entry-level lifeguard participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatics emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over.

The emergency oxygen content will help participants gain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care to a victim of a breathing emergency using breathing devices, including resuscitation masks, bag-valve-mask resuscitators (BVMs) and emergency oxygen.

Upon completion of this course participants will receive American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years and American Red Cross Administering Emergency Oxygen valid for 2 years.


  • Must be 15 years old on or before the final day of the course.
  • Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. Candidates may use front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both but swimming on the back or side is not allowed.
  • Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs.
  • Complete the following events in 1 minute, 40 seconds:
    • Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. Face may be in or out of the water. 
    • Surface dive, feet-first or head-first, to a depth of 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object.
    • Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point with both hands holding the object and keeping the face at or near the surface so they are able to get a breath.
    • Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.


  • Approximately 27 hours
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Certification Requirements

  • Attend and participate in all class sessions.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required final rescue skill scenarios.
  • Pass the CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid, Administering Emergency Oxygen and Lifeguarding Skills final written exams with minimum grades of 80 percent.

Price: $220



ARC Lifeguard Training & Emergency Oxygen Administration – Review course

The purpose of a review course is to give individuals the opportunity to review the course content within a formal course setting. The review course format optimizes a participant’s ability to successfully complete the knowledge and skills evaluations.

The responsibility for preparing for the final written exam is shared by the instructor and the participant. Upon completion of this course participants will receive American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years and American Red Cross Administering Emergency Oxygen valid for 2 years.

Individuals with a current Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED/Oxygen certificate may participate in the review course.


  • Approximately 15 hours
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Certification Requirements

  • Attend and participate in all class sessions.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required final rescue skill scenarios.
  • Pass the CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid, Administering Emergency Oxygen and Lifeguarding Skills final written exams with minimum grades of 80 percent.

Price: $110



ARC Lifeguard Training & Emergency Oxygen Administration – Full course, online + classroom

This course requires participants to complete online learning prior to in-class skills sessions.  Please make sure to provide a valid email address when completing registration.

This course combines American Red Cross Lifeguarding and Emergency Oxygen Administration.

The lifeguarding content will provide entry-level lifeguard participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatics emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over.

The emergency oxygen content will help participants gain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care to a victim of a breathing emergency using breathing devices, including resuscitation masks, bag-valve-mask resuscitators (BVMs) and emergency oxygen.

Upon completion of this course participants will receive American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years and American Red Cross Administering Emergency Oxygen valid for 2 years.


  • Must be 15 years old on or before the final day of the course.
  • Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. Candidates may use front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both but swimming on the back or side is not allowed.
  • Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs.
  • Complete the following events in 1 minute, 40 seconds:
    • Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. Face may be in or out of the water. 
    • Surface dive, feet-first or head-first, to a depth of 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object.
    • Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point with both hands holding the object and keeping the face at or near the surface so they are able to get a breath.
    • Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.


  • Approximately 7 hours, 25 minutes for online learning
  • Approximately 21 hours for in-class skills
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Certification Requirements

  • Attend and participate in all class sessions.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required final rescue skill scenarios.
  • Pass the CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid, Administering Emergency Oxygen and Lifeguarding Skills final written exams with minimum grades of 80 percent.

Price: $220



ARC Lifeguard Training & Emergency Oxygen Administration – Review course, online + classroom

This course requires participants to complete online learning prior to in-class skills sessions.  Please make sure to provide a valid email address when completing registration.

The purpose of a review course is to give individuals the opportunity to review the course content within a formal course setting. The review course format optimizes a participant’s ability to successfully complete the knowledge and skills evaluations.

The blended learning format allows students to work independently on theory through a series of informational videos and tutorials. They then present what skills they learned in a hands-on class. The review course format optimizes a participant’s ability to successfully complete the knowledge and skills evaluations.

Upon completion of this course participants will receive American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years and American Red Cross Administering Emergency Oxygen valid for 2 years.

Individuals with a current Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED/Oxygen certificate may participate in the review course.


  • Approximately 7 hours, 25 minutes for online learning
  • Approximately 13 hours for in-class skills
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Certification Requirements

  • Attend and participate in all class sessions.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required final rescue skill scenarios.
  • Pass the CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid, Administering Emergency Oxygen, and Lifeguarding Skills final written exams with minimum grades of 80 percent.

Price: $110



ARC Waterfront Lifeguard Training & Emergency Oxygen Administration – Full course, online + classroom

This course requires participants to complete online learning prior to in-class skills sessions.  Please make sure to provide a valid email address when completing registration.

This course combines American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguarding and Emergency Oxygen Administration. The blended learning format allows students to work independently on theory through a series of informational videos and tutorials. They then present what skills they learned in a hands-on class.

The lifeguarding content provides entry-level lifeguard participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatics emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel take over. This course also includes the American Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguarding Module where students will learn the skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to emergencies in non-surf, open-water areas found at public parks, resorts, summer camps and campgrounds in addition to standard lifeguarding skills.

The emergency oxygen content will help participants gain the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care to a victim of a breathing emergency using breathing devices, including resuscitation masks, bag-valve-mask resuscitators (BVMs) and emergency oxygen.

Upon completion of this course participants will receive American Red Cross certificate for Waterfront Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years and American Red Cross Administering Emergency Oxygen valid for 2 years.


  • Must be 15 years old on or before the final day of the course.
  • Swim 550 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. Candidates may use front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both but swimming on the back or side is not allowed.
  • Swim 5 yards, submerge and retrieve three dive rings placed 5 yards apart in 4-7 feet of water, resurface and continue to swim another 5 yards to complete the skill sequence.
  • Complete the following events in 1 minute, 40 seconds:
    • Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. Face may be in or out of the water. 
    • Surface dive, feet-first or head-first, to a depth of 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. 
    • Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point with both hands holding the object and keeping the face at or near the surface so they are able to get a breath. 
    • Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.


  • Approximately 7 hours, 25 minutes for online learning
  • Approximately 24 hours for in-class skills
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Certification Requirements

  • Attend and participate in all class sessions.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required final rescue skill scenarios.
  • Pass the CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid, Emergency Oxygen and Lifeguarding Skills final written exams with minimum grades of 80 percent.

Price: $270



ARC Waterfront Lifeguarding & Emergency Oxygen Administration – Review course, online + classroom

This course requires participants to complete online learning prior to in-class skills sessions.  Please make sure to provide a valid email address when completing registration.

The purpose of a review course is to give individuals the opportunity to review the course content within a formal course setting. The blended learning format allows students to work independently on theory through a series of informational videos and tutorials. They then present what skills they learned in a hands-on class.

 The review course format optimizes a participant’s ability to successfully complete the knowledge and skills evaluations. Upon completion of this course participants will receive American Red Cross certificate for Waterfront Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years and American Red Cross Administering Emergency Oxygen valid for 2 years.

Individuals with a current Waterfront Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED/Oxygen certificate may participate in the review course.


  • Approximately 7 hours, 25 minutes for online learning
  • Approximately 11 hours for in class skills
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Certification Requirements

  • Attend and participate in all class sessions.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required skills and activities.
  • Demonstrate competency in all required final rescue skill scenarios.
  • Pass the CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid, Oxygen, Lifeguarding Skills, and Waterfront Skills final written exams with minimum grades of 80 percent.

Price: $130



ASHI BLS for the Professional Rescuer, Basic First Aid & Administering Emergency Oxygen – Full course

This course combines ASHI BLS, Basic First Aid and Emergency Oxygen certifications.

Participants will learn:

  • Basic life-saving training including CPR, the use of an AED, and the relief of choking for adult, child and infant patients.
  • How to care for injured or ill adults and children in a variety of settings, including soft tissue injuries, muscle and bone injuries, burns, sudden illness, and environmental emergencies.
  • First-aid care with emergency oxygen for all suddenly ill or injured victims

The goal of this skills-based training is to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to respond in a medical emergency. 

To achieve certification, participants must score 70% or better on the written exam, and demonstrate all knowledge and skill objectives. Upon completion of course, participants will be issued the following certifications: CPR for the Professional Rescuer, Basic First Aid, and Administering Emergency Oxygen. All certifications are valid for two years.


  • Approximately 9 hours, 30 minutes
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Price: $120



ASHI BLS for the Professional Rescuer, Basic First Aid & Administering Emergency Oxygen – Review course

This course combines ASHI BLS, Basic First Aid and Emergency Oxygen certifications.

This renewal training program allows students who are currently certified to renew their certification through reviewing core skill objectives covered in the Initial training programs including:

  • Basic life-saving training including CPR, the use of an AED, and the relief of choking for adult, child and infant patients.
  • How to care for injured or ill adults and children in a variety of settings, including soft tissue injuries, muscle and bone injuries, burns, sudden illness, and environmental emergencies.
  • First-aid care with emergency oxygen for all suddenly ill or injured victims

Participants should bring proof of current certification (through ASHI or another national organization) with them to class. All certifications are valid for 2 years.

Individuals with a current CPR/AED, First Aid and Oxygen certificate may participate in the review course.


  • Approximately 5 hours, 30 minutes
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Price: $85



ASHI BLS for the Professional Rescuer & Basic First Aid – Full course

This course combines ASHI BLS and Basic First Aid certifications.

Participants will learn:

  • Basic life-saving training including CPR, the use of an AED, and the relief of choking for adult, child and infant patients.
  • How to care for injured or ill adults and children in a variety of settings, including soft tissue injuries, muscle and bone injuries, burns, sudden illness, and environmental emergencies.

The goal of this skills-based training is to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to respond in a medical emergency. 

To achieve certification, participants must score 70% or better on the written exam, and demonstrate all knowledge and skill objectives. Upon completion of course, participants will be issued the following certifications: CPR for the Professional Rescuer and Basic First Aid. All certifications are valid for two years.


  • Approximately 8 hours
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Price: $100



ASHI BLS for the Professional Rescuer & Basic First Aid – Review course

This course combines ASHI BLS and Basic First Aid certifications.

This renewal training program allows students who are currently certified to renew their certification through reviewing core skill objectives covered in the Initial training programs including:

  • Basic life-saving training including CPR, the use of an AED, and the relief of choking for adult, child and infant patients.
  • How to care for injured or ill adults and children in a variety of settings, including soft tissue injuries, muscle and bone injuries, burns, sudden illness, and environmental emergencies.

Participants should bring proof of current certification (through ASHI or another national organization) with them to class. Certifications are valid for 2 years.

Individuals with a current CPR/AED and First Aid certificate may participate in the review course.


  • Approximately 4 hours, 30 minutes
  • Course times may vary to include breaks

Price: $70