Model United Nations registration December 2024

The CYV staff are happy to help guide you through the process if you have questions on how to register. Model UN registration is done by delegation, with several groups within a delegation being possible. 

Please note: You are not eligible for country selection until all members of your country group have completed Steps 1-3 as outlined below. 

Are you new to Model United Nations? Do you have questions? Get in touch with the nearest Model UN Delegation Director or contact the CYV State Office

To register for MUN, you will need:

  • Credit Card – You will need to pay a deposit via credit card. If other accommodations need to be made, please contact your Delegation Director.
  • Delegation Name – The YMCA or school that your student is a participant with.
  • Student's Email – This should not be a school email, as many schools block or slow down emails to students from outside sources. The State Office only communicates with students about YIG-related matters. Student email addresses are never shared outside the YMCA.

Financial Assistance

The YMCA offers financial assistance through discounted fees. Please apply for financial assistance prior to registering. You should expect to receive a response from the Customer Service Center within 3 business days.

After you receive your award, if you need additional assistance, please reach out to our Program Operations Coordinator to inquire about an exception.


If you have any issues or questions regarding online registration or financial assistance, please reach out to the Customer Service Center.

  • Call a Service Representative at (612) 230-9622  |  Hours are: M-F: 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Step 1 – Complete your individual sign up

Important Notes for signing up online:

    • You will need a credit card for down payment. . 
    • You will need Healthcare information
    • If you are unable to provide any of the above information, please contact your delegation director for further registration possibilities.
    • Your registration is not complete until all three steps listed here are completed. 

If you have any issues or questions in this stage, please reach out to the Customer Service Center


    Step 2 – View this year's member states (countries) and pick a Youth Ambassador

    Together with the other delegates in your country group, check out the country lists to decide who you want to represent this year. You will need your top ten choices for Step 3. Also, you must identify one member of your country group to be the "Youth Ambassador," who has no extra responsibilities other than being the delegate that conference organizers communicate with, if necessary.

    Please note that only certain member states are available for certain group sizes and that some states have obligations in the Organs, indicated by an "X" in the respective column for that country. Country availability is updated in real-time on the links below; if there is a delegation written next to a member state, it has already been assigned and is no longer available. 

    *will be updated by 1/30/24

    2024 Member States for Mondale GA (Grades 10-12)
    2024 Member States for Anderson GA (Grades 7-9)

    Step 3 – Complete your country group sign up

    The Youth Ambassador will complete the appropriate Google Form linked below to finish your group's registration. Your group will not be granted an assignment until all members have completed Step 1 listed above.

    UND-1 Google Form (Grades 10-12)
    UND-2 Google Form (Grades 7-9)

    Payment Schedule, Refund, and Cancellation policy

    The total program fee (not including any local delegation fees) for YMCA Model United Nations 2023 is $399. The payment schedule for the program is as follows:

    • Deposit: $100, due at Registration
    • Payment #1: $149.50, due on 2/27
    • Payment #2: $149.50, due on 3/26

    If you register online and pay with a credit/debit card, these payments will be automatically withdrawn from the same card. You may also pay in full at the time of registration, if preferred.

    If you apply for and qualify for Financial Assistance, your award amount will be automatically applied and this payment schedule may be modified/reduced.

    Except in cases of extenuating circumstances which are determined on a case-by-case basis, the refund policy for YMCA Model United Nations is as follows:

    • The registration deposit ($100) is not ever refundable.
    • As each payment deadline passes, the fees due are no longer refundable. 
    • Cancellations must be in writing and are submitted to the local Delegation Director, not the State Office.
    • If a delegate has a significant discipline issue or other violation of the Code of Conduct during the conference, the Center for Youth Voice reserves the right to dismiss the delegate, without refund, for the remainder of the session.

    Delegation Directors, Program Specialists, and all adult volunteers can begin their registration here.

    ALL adults, including Delegation Directors, Program Specialists, college students, and volunteers MUST complete both the Personify online registration process and the Mandatory Background Check section below.


    MANDATORY Background Checks

    In accordance with the policies of the YMCA of the North, we need to process background checks on ALL volunteers regardless of their standing or occupation in order to protect the YOTN. Please complete your background check ASAP.

    This link will be sent to you after registration closes to complete.